Open-ended, unscripted conversations occur on the three podcasts Lane Nordlund hosts. The podcasts reach thousands of listeners each week. Nordlund’s personal podcast, the LaneCast Ag Podcast, features guests of all back grounds who join the “Agriculture Conversation” discussing issues impacting agricultural and rural America.
Nordlund is also the host of two national podcasts, the Cattlemen’s Call for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the Eye on Potatoes Podcast for the National Potato Council. Cattlemen’s call is a twice monthly “coffee talk” style conversations with cattle producers. The Eye on Potatoes shares conversations about all things potatoes.
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About Lane Nordlund
Lane Nordlund is a trusted and respected figure in the agriculture community. As an award-winning multimedia farm broadcaster, he serves rural America by sharing the important information farmers and ranchers need to be successful...